Ride Out – what does it stand for?

Ride Out is an attitude towards bike riding, which Rowe & King encourage you to adopt.

Luke and Dani love riding their bikes. As well as being their jobs, cycling is also their hobby and offers enjoyment and experiences that are not obtainable in other sports.

At the start of every ride, Luke and Dani Ride Out. They clip their feet in to the pedals, and roll off the driveway. The bike is in a light gear, minds are relaxed and a smile reads across their faces.

The first 10 minutes of every ride are considered a warm up – shaking the stiffness out of the legs, getting the heart pumping blood around the body, slowly getting those lungs up to capacity and mentally preparing for the training ahead. You may also be Riding Out of the city / traffic to reach quieter roads.

Additionally, Luke and Dani Ride Out the last 10 minutes of every ride – riding out the lactic acid build up, cooling down, relaxing the mind, soaking up the sensations that your days training has given you. This may be the part of the ride where you are riding through traffic to get back home – its important you are not stressing about trying to maintain a certain effort here – this is a time to Ride Out – relax and enjoy the pleasure that a bicycle gives us.

Ride Out with Rowe & King.

Follow Rowe & King on Twitter for tips,, videos and pictures!

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