6 Tips for Your First Club Ride

Total Women’s Cycling give some great advice for venturing out on your first club ride. It can be daunting, but it sure can be fun – and the start of a new healthy lifestyle, and a social one too!
Joining a cycling club is a fantastic idea – we can’t advertise it enough. Cycling Training in a group is so much easier mentally, than training solo.
Good cycling clubs are welcoming, friendly communities full of people from all walks of life, an at all levels of fitness and ability.
There’s sometimes a concern that clubs will be standoffish, overly traditional and stuck in the age when women didn’t ride bikes. This cobwebby image would no doubt put anyone off – but the number of Race Teams, Wanderers, Excelsiors, and Cycling Clubs stuck in this rut is minimal.
The good news is most such organisations don’t have good websites, or indeed websites at all, and certainly aren’t growing – so you’re much more likely to find one of the infinite number of lovely, friendly groups.
Your average club will feature a selection of fast racers, some *ahem* MAMIL-ey types, some brand new ‘just got my first road bike’ riders, and a couple of inspirational older riders who are well past their prime, but make up for falling fitness with endless knowledge and skill.
Almost all clubs now have a decent number of women in their membership, and many now have women’s only rides, too – and there are clubs run and attended only by women if you’d rather.
Joining a club doesn’t need to be scary, either. Here are our tips…
1. Picking a Club
2. Look for the Joining Instructions
3. Prepare Your Kit and Bike
4. Know (some of) The Lingo
5. Select a Group and Follow the Leader
6. Relax
Source: Total Women’s Cycling http://totalwomenscycling.com/road-cycling/technique/6-tips-for-your-first-club-ride-49985#3axhseFykHzeieg8.99
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